
Solar walk reca busci
Solar walk reca busci

solar walk reca busci


*** Update 5/8/13 - Thanks to Liv Laster and wickedq for some more suggestions for solar lights! <- I particularly like this one Ĭrack open the solar lights and separate the panel from the body. All of the other links above are dead or useless. 7/30/12 - IMPORTANT UPDATE I don't recommend ANY of the christmas light options for this, they are all too dim. They worked out well for the bottle lights instructable I did, but I don't think they'd be so good for this one.

solar walk reca busci

I just want to say that I don't recommend the dealextreme lights for the walkway project, they were a bit dimmer than I would like for this. ****Edit 1/30/10: It has been brought to my attention that this type of light is no longer available, at least for less than $60 each anyway! Here are a couple of possible alternatives I'm thinking about trying out for the path I'm going to build for my brother: ***Update 4/26/10 - User Candor has pointed out this alternative to the lights I used, looks like it might be a good one: ***Update 3/2/11 - IMPORTANT - Looks like the IKEA link above is dead, here's a new option from their website: Also, I did a quick amazon search that revealed some possible good options for this project. The panel went on my roof just over the front door (see picture) and the battery case went under my newspaper box, with wires running discreetly along the corners and the edge of the window. I separated the solar panel from the battery/circuit board case and extended the wires that connected them. If I'd used the standard solar lights it would have meant six little solar panels and a lot more wires running around. I decided to go with these because the solar panel was separable and the batteries drove six separate LEDs. I found these awesome solar lights designed to clip on to a patio umbrella at Home Depot for about 8 bucks.


With this in mind, I combed craigslist for some suitably shaped glass blocks, went to Home Depot for the appropriate solar light, stocked up on speaker wire and came up with the Solar Powered Walkway! ***UPDATE 5/5/10: If you build this project yourself, or something similar, post some pictures and I'll send you a patch!*** ****UPDATE 1-1-11 If you are the first person to post a picture of your completed light-up walkway to the comments, I've got a 3 month pro membership to instructables that's all yours! I extrapolated this a bit further and realized that the only thing you actually need in the jar is the LED, and since you don't have to cram all the other electronics in there, you don't have to stay with the classic sun jar shape.

solar walk reca busci

The obvious solution to this dilemma is to separate the solar panel from the sun jar. I sure loves me some sun jars! They incorporate several of my favorite things to mess around with: LEDs, Solar panels, hot glue, man it's all there and they look great to boot! However, there is one big fat problem: the sun! When it's dark out, oftentimes the places I'd really like to have a little extra light are just the spots you can't leave a sun jar due to lack of direct exposure to sunlight.

Solar walk reca busci